Bikers code of ethics
Every biker is the best goodwill ambassador of his sport, by showing a good attitude. The following code of behavior benefits a peaceful coexistence to execute the MTB-Sport.
Just use a technical perfect bike -
Never get of the way and cross-country -
Do only us the existent roads, ways and the special signet mountain-bike-trails -
Respect others who use the same way -
Honor wildlife and flora -
Obey regional rules and signs -
Biker don’t litter -
Wear a helmet for your own safety Ensure with your manner that you get accepted as a nature lover and that the bike sport remains.
Bergbahnen Meiringen-Hasliberg AG
Twing 365L
CH-6084 Hasliberg Wasserwendi
Phone: +41 33 550 50 50
Twing 365L
CH-6084 Hasliberg Wasserwendi
Phone: +41 33 550 50 50